Responding to the complaints, Hell Pizza director Warren Powell said "We expected it would spark some debate and some talking between people in the offices. Which is good. It means our marketing budget works a little bit harder. I do not see how it could possibly be disrespectful to anyone's religion. First of all, we're acknowledging that Jesus Christ may have been on Earth for a limited time. We may bring them back next year, and everyone's saying that Jesus Christ is coming back one day. Again, it's a debate. I think if people take it that way then they're being a little bit single-minded."
Rather than wading into the debate, here's my reasons Hell Pizza are right, and some reasons why they've got it wrong.
Where Hell Pizza are Right:
* As with these Hot Cross Buns, Jesus should generate conversation, debate & discussion between thinking people. Not everyone agrees as to who Jesus is, but as Warren Powell says of the ad, it is good that people are talking. I personally want people to encounter Jesus as He really is, but that has to start somewhere. I want people to consider Jesus for themselves - to think about His claims as a rational person, not on the basis of what others tell you or want you to believe, but on the basis of who He really is.
* Hell Pizza seem to admit that Jesus Christ was a real, historical person who walked the face of this earth. I note they add a caveat to this with the word "may", but there does seem to be a recognition of the reality of His existence. The credibility of the evidence for a person called Jesus Christ living 2000 years ago is sound. Most credible historians would be agreed that Jesus lived on earth - the real question is who He really was and if He was who He claimed to be.
* The quote from Warren Powell appears to accept that one day, Jesus Christ will return. Admittedly, His comments are somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but again, Hell Pizza have this right. After His death & resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended into heaven in front of His apostles. However, as was said immediately after His ascension, "This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9) Many have tried to predict when this may happen, but again, as the Bible teaches "...about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13:32)
* Hell Pizza suggest that their offer is available only for a limited time. They then say this is a bit like Jesus. I wouldn't want to over-state the case, but in a sense, they're right. Jesus lived on earth for a limited time, but He lives eternally today. Because of what His death on the cross for all our sins, and His resurrection from death, He is alive and we can have a living relationship with Him. He offers us not just the forgiveness for the sin that plagues our life, but the slate being wiped completely clean. However, as Hell Pizza say, this offer is available only for a limited time. It's an offer that is available to all people, everywhere. It's been available throughout history, but it's a unique offer, because "God's rescue is found in no one else, for there is no other name given under heaven (other than Jesus) by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) It comes only through Jesus and only whilst we are here on earth before that day of appointment that all of us have with death.
Where Hell Pizza aren't quite so right:
* As a former marketer myself, I appreciate Hell Pizza's strategy. They're generating attention and publicity. However, to do that, you have to have the product that backs up your claims. Hell Pizza fail spectacularly with this. For a Hot Cross Bun variant to be even compared to Jesus is a nonsense! Jesus is God Himself. Jesus is the all-powerful One, the Creator of the Universe, the all-knowing One, eternal, the Way to God, the Truth, the Life, love personified, justice demonstrated. He is one whom many have scorned and sneered at, but to even suggest a small lump of cooked dough is like Jesus misses the mark by some distance.
* Whilst it's good to have some conversation about who Jesus is, and vital to have intellectual rigour in that, there are absolute truths that aren't up for debate. If Jesus really is "the Way, the Truth and the Life", then that is true whether I believe it or not.
I want people to discuss, debate and consider who Jesus is, but at the end of the day, I want people to come face to face with the reality of who Jesus is - to meet the truth and respond accordingly. In my life, I have met many truths which I don't like, but as they are true whether I believe them or not, I must respond appropriately to them. The same is true with Jesus. I have found at times, the truth about Jesus hurts - He is God, I am not. He was completely perfect and sinless, I most definitely am not. If I neglect or reject Him, I face an eternity in the most awful place possible, hell. However, whilst the truth has 'hurt', the truth has been incredibly freeing also. Though I have sinned, God still loves me. God loves me enough to seek and to save me. God loves me so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die in my place. If I trust Him, and call on Him, He will forgive me and make me clean, so that relationship with Him can be fully restored and I can enjoy eternal life with Him in heaven.
* With Hell Pizza, it appears there may be a second chance. Hell's Easter buns may make another appearance. With Jesus, we have our opportunity now - now is the time we must respond to Him. God never promises a second chance. Now, He's patient, not wishing for any to perish, but when we encounter Jesus, we must respond to Him before it is too late. You may get another chance from Hell Pizza, but there's no guarantee of another chance to respond to Jesus.
* It appears Warren Powell suggests that the reality of Jesus Christ's return is based on the fact that "everyone's saying..." (it). I believe it is based on far more credible evidence than hearsay - it's grounded in the reliability of the claims of Jesus, whose promises have never failed, who backed up His words with His actions, and who taught that "My Father’s house has plenty of room; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." Jesus promised that He would come back, but He was going to prepare a place for those who trusted in Him. One day, He will return and will take with Him those who have trusted in Him to be with Him forever.
Hell Pizza have taken a fair bit of stick for their latest billboards. Their whole brand is built on its controversial naming and association. As a brand, they reflect a light-hearted attitude to important matters. I wish they didn't, but I also appreciate their clever branding. If Jesus really is who He said He is, then it requires a much more serious look at who He is and how we should respond. If hell really is real (and I don't just mean the pizza outlet!), then again, the offer of Jesus to save us from it really requires much more serious consideration.
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